2. Setup

This page will take you through the steps you need to do to build and run the sample app locally.


The app uses Web Components, lit-html, which is a small library for writing HTML templates with JavaScript string literals, and lit-element, a small Web Component base class built on top of it.

This app depends on several npm packages, which you must be able to install. Make sure that you’ve already installed node.js and npm before moving on to the next step. If you already have node installed, make sure you’re using the latest version – we recommend using v8.0.0 and above. Note that at the moment v10.0.0 is not supported (we’re working on fixing this!).

Creating a new app

To create a new app that uses the pwa-starter-kit template:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Polymer/pwa-starter-kit my-app
cd my-app

This will generate the initial project structure inside the my-app folder, which roughly looks like this:

├── images
|   └── ...
└── src
|   └── ...
└── test
|   └── ...
├── index.html
├── README.md
├── package.json
├── polymer.json
├── manifest.json
├── service-worker.js
├── sw-precache-config.js
├── ... (misc project config files)

Checkout the folder structure page for details on what each file is used for.

Installing dependencies

To install the project’s dependencies, run

npm install

You’re now ready to run and see your app!

Run the app in development mode

To run the app locally, run

npm start

This will start a local server on port 8081. Open http://localhost:8081 to view your app in the browser. Note that this server can continue running as you’re making changes to your application, which you will see if you refresh the browser tab.

If the port is already taken on your computer, or if you need to change the default hostname (because you’re using a Docker container, for example), you can configure them using command line arguments:

npm start -- --hostname --port 4444

Run the tests

Check out the Application testing page for more information about the tests. For a quick way to run the tests, run

npm run test

Available scripts

In the app’s root directory you can run:

The complete list of scripts can be found in the package.json file.

Browser support

pwa-starter-kit uses fairly recent browsers APIs, that might not be natively available on all of the browsers you are supporting. To get around that, the app relies on polyfills, to add the missing web platform features to some browsers, as well as a build step, to add newer JavaScript features to browsers that don’t support them (such as transpiling ES6 to ES5 for browsers like IE11, or dynamic module imports). Check out the Browser Support page for more details.

Next steps

Now that you’re done with the basics of running your app, check out the next steps: