An intro to Reinforcement Learning (with otters)

Before I wrote the JavaScripts, I got a master’s in AI (almost a decade ago 🙀), and wrote a thesis on a weird and new area in Reinforcement Learning. Or at least it was new then. It’s definitely still weird now. Anyway, I loved it. With all the hype around Machine Learning and Deep Learning, I thought it would be neat if I wrote a little primer on what Reinforcement Learning really means, and why it’s different than just another neural net.

Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto wrote an amazing book called “Reinforcement Learning: an introduction”; it’s my favourite non-fiction book I have ever read in my life, and it’s why I fell in love with RL. The complete draft is available for free here, and if you’re into math, and want to explore this topic further, I can’t recommend it enough.

If you’re not into math, I have otters.

otter says hi

What is it?

Reinforcement learning (or RL) solves a very specific problem: figuring out how to act over time, so that you get the most long term reward. Both these sequences of actions and the reward bit are important components that make RL a “good” approach to solve a problem.

For example, this is perfect if you’re a Roomba who is trying to get home (the only reward you get is if you actually get home, so while you’re roaming around aimlessly and get no 💰, you have a feeeeeeeling you’re not doing it right).

On the other hand, this is terrible if you’re trying to figure out if a photo has an otter in it; there are no sequences of actions that matter here, other than doing the decision of saying “yes iz otter”. You’re just trapped in a room where people slip Polaroids of animals under the door and you have to tell them what it is. Nightmares aren’t really a good area for RL.

i'm doing RL

What isn’t it?

There are many things with the word “learning” in them that aren’t Reinforcement Learning.

Classification is a very common problem that can be solved with both of these Machine Learning approaches (but can’t be solved very well with RL, which isn’t really suited for one-off actions).

Neural nets are very good at solving these 2 kinds of Machine Learning problems. For example, the secrets straight out of your nightmares are created by a “deep” neural net, a neural net that has several layers in between its input and output layers.

If you add neural nets on top of some Reinforcement Learning algorithms, you get something called Deep Reinforcement Learning, which is a brand new area of research that brought you supercomputers that win at Go.

The world

RL problems are usually set up in an environment that is built out of states, and you can move between them by taking actions. Once you take an action, you’re given a reward, and you keep doing this until someone tells you to stop.

In the Roomba example, the states could be the (x,y) positions on the map, and you move between two states (i.e. locations) by moving the motors in a particular direction. The reward might be set up in such a way that you only get 1 point if you reach the home base, and 0 otherwise. If there’s particularly dangerous spots in the world you want to make sure the Roomba learns to avoid (like cliffs or a cat), you can make sure any actions that end up in those states get a reward of -1.

Some environments are less like real worlds and more like abstract worlds: when you’re playing Texas Hold’em poker, the state that you’re in could be the hand that you have, and what cards are on the table, and the actions could be folding, raising, checking. If you only give a reward at the end of the game (eg. “I won this hand or I didn’t”), it’s very hard to know how you’re actually doing. These problems have much more complicated reward signals (and tbh, states): how players are doing, which are staying, how they’re playing, need to be considered.

this is otterly rewarding

Nerd alert: If you’re interested in the math behind this, the environments are usually represented by a Markov Decision Process (MDP), or a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). The difference between the two is that in the latter case you’re not told exactly what your state in the world is (you’re a GPS-less Roomba). You still know what actions you took, and what reward you’re accumulating, but since you don’t know what they actually mean in the world, you have to make up your own representation of it. These are typically harder and weirder problems, and these were the ones I was focusing my research on, btw!

Learning how to act

Ok, so: we’re a Roomba, we’ve been placed somewhere in a world, and we have a goal: to get home (I think this technically makes us ET, but hey). The thing that tells us which action to take in a state is our policy. If we can figure out the best action to take in every state in the world, then we have an optimal policy.

clear eyes, optimal policy, can't lose

In order to figure out if a policy is better than another, we need to figure out how “good” it is to be in a certain state according to that policy (because then you get to compare them: from this state, one policy leads me to a pot of gold, and one to sudden death. One is clearly superior). We call this the value of a state, and it’s basically the reward we expect we’re going to get from that state if we follow what the policy tells us to do.

The expected reward bit is subtle but hella important: if you just care about immediate reward, a state that doesn’t lead you to instant death sounds pretty good! However, if you keep taking these seemingly-ok-because-they-didn’t-kill-us actions, you might still end up at the edge of the cliff, one step away from instant death. By considering reward a number of steps away, you don’t get trapped in shitty trajectories like this.

Most basic RL algorithms try to learn one of these functions:

The difference between the two is potentially religious. The state-value function basically says “where you are in the world is important, so figure out the sequence of good states and follow that”. The action-value function says “we’re in a state, and some of the actions we can take are awesome, and some are terribad, figure out the awesome ones”.

The point of an RL algorithm is to basically learn these functions, and then pick the one with the highest value: that’s your optimal policy!

How do we learn?

We learn things about the world by exploring the world. You can think about it as roaming the world in “practice mode”, which gives you experience, which helps you learn what your policy is (what to do in a particular state). When it’s “exam time mode”, you use the policy you’ve learnt and act according to that. The more data you have, the better you learn.

If we think about our practice policy as the way we decided to act while in practice mode, and our optimal policy as the way we will act during “exam time” (always be the very best you at exams), then there are two fundamentally different ways in which you can learn:

i'm an on policy otter, my policy is to always say yes to food

And now, a code!

My favourite favourite FAVOURITE thing about AI is that if you do a simple thing, you can get a very satisfying demo. There are tons of Reinforcement Learning algorithms out there: some are very complicated and take a lot of math. But some are very simple, and that’s the one I implemented for you.

It’s called Q-Learning, because it learns the Q function (if you forgot: this is the action-value function, i.e. the value of all of the actions, from all of the states). It works like this:

  1. Initialize your Q function randomly (so the value of any action from any state is a random number). This bit is important so that you don’t accidentally bias your policy with lies
  2. Start in a random state (call it S).
  3. From this state, we need to figure out how to move in the world. We’re gonna do something slightly fancy called epsilon-greedy: most of the time, we’re going to move according to what the policy says (“greedily”). However, epsilon percent of the time, we’re going to move randomly. This means that we still get to do some random exploration, which is important to make sure we see new states we might not otherwise. epsilon-greedy is loooooved by RL people because it balances “exploration” (doing things randomly) with “exploitation” (doing things correctly) and you’ll find it in like literally every RL paper out there.
  4. And…take that action! Once you take it, you’ll end up in a state S_2, and the world tells you what reward you got. Call it R. We’re going to use this reward to update our Q function for the state we were in, and the action we took; more precisely: we’re going to update our Q(S,A) value. Note how you basically always update the previous state-action pair, by seeing the results of that action in the world.
  5. The update step is a bit mathy, so I’ll spare you it (here’s the relevant code if you want to check it out), but the TL;DR is: if this action was a good action, then the state that we ended up in should be a better state than the one we were currently in (closer to the goal). If we got a bad reward, then we reduce the value of Q(S,A); if we didn’t, then we increase it.
  6. boring note incoming: this is an off-policy algorithm. How we calculate the Q(S,A) values isn’t affected by how we actually moved in the world; we assume we followed the greedy (aka best) policy, even if we didn’t.
  7. Anyway, now, we’re in a new state, so back at Step 2. Repeat Steps 2-6 until you end up in a goal state. Once you do (yay!), you can go back to Step 1 and start in a new random state (this is important so that you see new parts of the world!).

If you do this enough times, you eventually experience enough of the world that your Q function will tell you what to do!

get otter here, we otter see a demo!


This is a gridworld! It has a goal state, and a blob can move in any direction from any state. If you press play before doing any learning, the blob will just walk around randomly. If you press the learn button, the blob will take 10000 steps around the world and learn the optimal policy. I also plotted a heatmap of the Q function (the greener the square, the higher its value is). States close to the goal are more important, and this makes sense!

You can check out that glitch, clone it, and play with that value. If you take far fewer steps (like 5000), you’ll see that your policy isn’t perfect everywhere around the world (you might see the blob get stuck in circles a lot, far away from the goal, because it hasn’t explored that area well enough yet).

Hope this was useful! I wanted to write this post because I read this awesome article by Alex Irpan about the problems with Deep Learning, but I didn’t know who to share it with, because I don’t really hang out with RL researchers anymore. So instead, I decided to teach you (YES, YOU!) some Reinforcement Learning, so that you can now read that article and not be lost in it. Yay? Yay!

Thanks to Dan Lizotte for reading this, even though he really didn’t have to.

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